インバウンドでタイ人を集客! 事例多数で万全の用意 [PR]


Perhaps I met you is a mistake

Don't think too much,

Perhaps I met you is a wrong,

Don't have too much of remorse.

So that I can very sad Dream beauty pro hard sell.

Isn't you of wrong,

Is my feelings too much,

Don't have too much commitment.

So you and I will suffer.

You and I are trying to,

But in the end without any result.

May be we think too much Dream beauty pro hard sell,

After all, we haven't started yet.

I am so sorry.

So we haven't started to suffer,

Can it really be my fault.

You really shouldn't love too much Dream beauty pro,

Maybe we met is wrong.

同じカテゴリー(Dream beauty pro)の記事
The voice of the stray
The voice of the stray(2015-07-16 12:58)
